
July 08, 2017

Hello Friends!

How are you?  I still can’t believe it’s August already.  Guess what?  It’s National Friendship Day!

My friends have taught me lots of things.  Sometimes I’ve gotten a little bugged with them, and sometimes I’ve tried their patience.  But here are a few things I’ve learned from my three closest friends.

(because who is a better friend than my sister?)

Stand up for yourself.  Don’t ever let people walk all over you.  If they don’t care about you, then there is no reason to care them.

You are safe.  God will always protect you. 

You are loved, and there is nothing that can change that.

It’s okay to cry.  Just don’t lose hope. 

Pip, you just need to sleep.  Everything will seem better in the morning.

The best people are the ones who will be a septopus with you. 

If it’s possible to look beautiful while rolling around on the floor, chasing your shadow, then anything is possible.

It’s okay to spill tea in your lap every now and then.

Bright red heals are great fun.

Talking with a British accent makes everything better. 

If you’re going to say rude things about people at a drive-in movie, make you’re your windows are rolled up.

Truth or Dare can will always get a little crazy.

Secrets are too much fun.

You can never go wrong with a good laugh.

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